Type faster, update underway!

Updating a new website is tough! We’re feverishly typing up content to update the new site, in order to bring you the latest news, events, new releases, tournaments, and all manner of gaming stuff. In the meantime, you can watch our facebook page for updates. Look in the sidebar to the right or visit us at this link! As we move into the second half of September, there’s plenty to be excited about – we’re hosting a prerelease party for the new M:tG set, IXALAN, starting at 9am on September 23rd. If you love flipping cards, rolling dice, and moving tiny soldiers, we’ve got a Malifaux tournament on Saturday the 23rd at 11am and a Warhammer 40K tournament on Sunday the 24th at 9am. If that STILL doesn’t grab your attention, we’ve got tons of board games (and a library to try a new game you’re curious about), plenty of space for your RPG game, plus more paint, dice, snacks, drinks, and fun than you can handle! Thanks for staying patient while we update – we’re pretty sure you’re gonna love it!  

New changes are coming!

Big changes are coming to Terracrux, including an improved website and new events for Magic, Warhammer, board games, RPGs, and more! Keep an eye on Terracruxgames.com and visit us in the store to stay informed and be the first to join the action!